Pannonisches Klimagebiet#
Pannonian climatic zone includes the eastern and southeastern part of Austria (Burgenland, parts of Lower Austria and marginal regions of Styria). Continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. The flora of this zone includes Schwarzfoehre (black pine), sweet chestnut, oak shrub, steppe grass and some other plants which are protected by law (adonis, pasque flower, milk-vetch, rock pink, rock rose, dwarf iris, grape hyacinth, anemone, cinquefoil and knapweed). Its fauna comprises hamster, ground squirrel, green lizard, Orsini's viper, cicada and praying mantis. The flora and fauna of this zone can be best observed at Lake Neusiedl, in the Seewinkel Area with its salt-steppe and the Lacken (small lakes), in the Leithagebirge Mountains as well as in the Marchfeld Plain. This climatic zone extends as far as the foothills of the Alps to Eichkogel Mountain, Laaer Berg Hill and Bisamberg Hill.