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unbekannter Gast


Pottenbrunn, Lower Austria, village in the district of St. Poelten, alt. 244 m, east of the River Traisen, part of St. Poelten since 1972. Road maintenance depot, old peoples' home, Volksheim, manufacture of sanitary fittings, bus enterprise. - Graves from the La-Tène period with rich funerary objects, Slavic grave fields from the early 9th  century; first settlements during the Carolingian period. Market town since 1927; parish church (first documented mention in 1248), with Gothic parts, altar-piece by J. G. Schmidt; Renaissance moated palace (16th  century, since 1970 Austrian museum of pewter figures, exhibitions) with open gallery, in 1961 parts of its tower collapsed, 3 years later it was totally rebuilt (1964); Neuschloss Palace (17th  century). In the vicinity, Moated Castle (1st  half of 16th  century, reconstruction between 1698 and 1718 and around 1923), contains frescoes by D. Gran (1718), castle gardens.


J. Buchinger, Pfarrgeschichte von Pottenbrunn, 1936; Oesterreichisches Zinnfigurenmuseum im Schloss Pottenbrunn, exhibition catalogue, 31984.