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unbekannter Gast

Regnum Noricum#

Regnum Noricum, the first proven political entity on the territory of today´s Austria; named after the Norici Tribe. From 170 B.C. King Cincibilus entertained friendly relations with the Romans based on a "hospitium publicum" (national hospitality). As a result trade relations became more intensive and Rome´s influence in the region increased. Centre of the Regnum Noricum was probably the settlement on the Magdalensberg Mountain, where an early-Roman inscription has been found that lists the names of Noric tribes. In the 2nd century B.C. fortified provincial towns (oppida; Celts) were established and coins were minted after the example of the Greeks. In the 1st century B.C. the Regnum Noricum extended far into the east and the north ( Voccio). Around 15 B.C. the Romans peacefully invaded the area of the Regnum Noricum up to the River Danube ( Noricum, Roman Era). Economic activities were based on iron ( Noric Iron), mining, industrial activities, agricultural products and trade.


G. Dobesch, Die Kelten in Oesterreich nach den aeltesten Berichten der Antike, 1980; G. Winkler, Noricum und Rom, 1977.