Schlesinger, Therese geborene Eckstein#
b. Vienna, June 6, 1863, d. Blois (France), June 5, 1940. Feminist and publicist; sister of polyhistor Friedrich Eckstein and the feminist Emma Eckstein (1865-1924). From 1894 on the board of the General Austrian Women's Association (Allgemeiner Oesterreichischer Frauenverein), became a member of the Social Democratic Party in 1897, in 1901 co-founder of the Association of Social-Democratic Women and Girls (Verein sozial-demokratischer Frauen und Maedchen). In 1919 member of the party executive, 1920-1923 member of the Nationalrat, 1923-1930 member of the Bundesrat; 1939 emigration to France. Committed champion of women's suffrage and the legal protection of pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Was wollen die Frauen in der Politik, 1909; Die geistige Arbeiterin und der Sozialismus, 1919; Wie will und wie soll das Proletariat seine Kinder erziehen, 1921; Die Frau im sozialdemokratischen Parteiprogramm, 1928.Literature#
Oe. Sozialdemokratinnen, ed. by E. Prost, 1989; B. Jaindl, T. S. (1863-1940), master´s thesis, Vienna 1994; OeBL.