Schwarzwald, Eugenie Genia, geborene Nußbaum#
b. Polupanowka (Ukraine), July 4, 1872, d. Zurich (Switzerland), Aug. 7, 1940. Pedagogue. Established a very popular school centre for girls in Vienna from 1901. In 1915 her schools (which were furnished by A. Loos, among others, with O. Kokoschka, A. Schoenberg and E. Wellesz as teachers, comprised a school for small children, a coeducational school for 6-11 year olds, a girls' grammar school Maedchenlyzeum, a modern-language grammar school Realgymnasium, classics grammar school classes, an advanced-level secondary school for commercial women's occupations as well as science-oriented classes of further education. S. also established social institutions (canteens, holiday homes for children from the big cities etc.). She emigrated in 1938, and her schools were dissolved.
H. Deichmann, Leben mit provisorischer Genehmigung, 1988; R. Streibel (ed.), E. S. und ihr Kreis, 1996; R. Goellner, Kein Puppenheim. Genia S. und die Emanzipation, 1999.