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unbekannter Gast

Schwind, Moritz von#

b. Vienna, Jan. 21, 1804, d. Niederpoecking (Germany), Feb. 8, 1871. Painter and illustrator, romanticist. Studied at the Vienna Academy, then self-taught under the influence of P. Krafft and L. F. Schnorr von Carolsfeld, who were very important for the development of his style; also influenced by the circle of friends around F. Schubert as well as by N. Lenau, F. Grillparzer and A. Gruen. Like Schnorr von Carolsfeld, he preferred painting motifs characterized by an idealised German Romanticism and fairy tale subjects. S. became professor at the Munich Academy in 1828, executed major works for King Ludwig I of Bavaria and did frescoes for the Munich Residence (1832-1834) as well as sketches for frescoes in Hohenschwangau castle. He moved to Karlsruhe in 1840, to Frankfurt am Main in 1844. In 1847 returned to Munich and became a professor at the Vienna Academy. In 1840 did frescoes for the Villa Wertheimstein (19th district), in 1863-1867 painted the frescoes of the loggia and the foyer of the Vienna State Opera (scenes from the "Magic Flute").


G. Pommeranz-Liedtke, M. v. S. - Maler und Poet, 1974; R. Langenfelder, Die inszenierte Idylle oder Bildthemen bei M. v. S., doctoral thesis, Salzburg 1984; B. Romme (ed.), M. v. S. Fresken und Wandbilder, exhibiton catalogue, Staatl. Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 1996; S. Holsten (ed.), M. v. S. Meister der Spaetromantik, exhibition catalogue, Staatl. Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 1996.