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Epidemic Control, in Austria regulated by the Law on Active Carriers (Bazillenausscheidergesetz) of 1945; the Law on Venereal Diseases (Geschlechtskrankheitengesetz) of 1945; the Law on Tuberculosis (Tuberkulosegesetz) of 1968; the Law on Epidemics (Epidemiegesetz) of 1950; the Law on Rats (Rattengesetz) of 1925; the Law on Aids (Aidsgesetz) of 1986; and by laws governing vaccination against poliomyelitis and tuberculosis and adverse effects of vaccinations. Each municipality is obliged to take hygienic measures in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases (pure drinking water, funeral services, etc.). Public health offices are responsible for the enforcement of regulations (supervisory authorities are the provincial governors (Landeshauptmann) and the Ministry of Public Health). Punitive action is taken by the district administrative authority. Diseases such as tuberculosis and venereal diseases have to be notified to the public health authorities. Mass screenings and the registration of prostitutes with the authorities are also mandatory.


W. Hoermann, Rechtskunde fuer Gesundheitsberufe, 1988.