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unbekannter Gast


Strassburg, Carinthia, town in the district of St. Veit an der Glan, alt. 681 m, pop. 2,465, area 97.47 km2, in the Gurk Valley. - Commercial school (private); wood-working industry, building trade. - First documented mention 864, town status confirmed in 1402, until 1786 seat of the Bishops of Gurk. Romanesque former bishop´s castle (1147, extended in 1179), one of the most important fortifications in Austria, major extensions mainly in the 14th and 17th centuries, destroyed by a stroke of lightning in 1856, fell into disuse, restored 1956-1990, keep, arcaded courtyard, north tract with 2 towers, great hall now hunting museum; Gothic parish church (first documented mention 1169, alterations 1432-1460 and 1630-1643) with late-Gothic vestry, Baroque side chapels, high-altar figures (1772) and the richly decorated pulpit (around 1772, one of the most beautiful in Carinthia) by B. Prandstaetter, pietà (around 1425); early-Gothic hospital church (first documented mention 1407) with Gothic choir, frescoes (around 1330) and richly decorated Baroque high altar (around 1720); Maria Loreto chapel (1650); subsidiary church (Baroque alterations 1741).