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unbekannter Gast

Thun-Hohenstein, Guidobald Graf#

b. Dec. 16, 1616, d. Vienna, June 1, 1668, 1654-1668 Archbishop of Salzburg and 1667 Bishop of Regensburg, 1667 Cardinal, half-brother of Count Johann Ernst Thun-Hohenstein. Focused intensely on representation: Finished the Salzburg cathedral (towers, façade, cathedral arches), built the winter riding school and the fountain at Residenzplatz and set up a Chair of Medicine at the University. 1662 Imperial Main Envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg.


R. R. Heinisch, Der Sbg. Erzbischof G. Graf Thun als kaiserl. Prinzipalkommissar in Regensburg. Bericht ueber den 15. Oe. Historikertag 1981, 1984.