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unbekannter Gast

Ude, Johannes#

b. St. Kanzian am Klopeiner See (Carinthia), Feb. 28, 1874, d. Grundlsee (Styria), July 7, 1965, theologian, politician, specialist in social ethics. University professor of theology in Graz, founder of the Austrian teetotallers' movement. 1939 banished from Carinthia because of a letter of protest against the November Pogrom to Gauleiter Uiberreither. 1939 and 1944 sent to jail for opposing the war. Advocated peace and disarmament and opposed killing and nuclear weapons. 1951 candidate for Federal President.


M. Liebmann, J. U., in: Ausseer Beitraege zur Zeit- und Kulturgeschichte, 1985.