Veitsch-Radex GmbH#
Veitsch-Radex GmbH, leading Austrian magnesite enterprise, subsidiary of RHI AG; established in 1993 when Veitscher Magnesitwerke AG (founded in 1881, from 1899 AG) was merged with Radex Austria AG (founded in 1908), changed into a limited liability company from a public limited company in 1999 and fully integrated into RHI AG. Leads the world market with the manufacture of fire-resistant products based on magnesite; over 95% of all products are exported to over 150 countries. With its central office in Vienna the company has more than 5 domestic (Breitenau am Hochlantsch, Trieben, Veitsch, Hochfilzen, Radenthein) and more than 25 foreign plant sites in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa and a central department for research and development at Leoben. Sales in 1997 (annual report): around ATS 17.4 billion, 7,905 employees.