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unbekannter Gast


Vierberge-Wallfahrt (Vierberge-Lauf, literally: "4-mountain pilgrimage), pilgrimage first mentioned in 1578, leading over the mountains Magdalensberg, Ulrichsberg, Veitsberg and Lorenziberg (north of Klagenfurt) on "3-nails day" (2nd Friday after Easter). The distance of over 40 km has to be covered within 24 hours; pilgrims attend masses and devotions along the way, collect different plants (ivy, periwinkle, juniper) for the "Herrgottswinkel" (a corner of a room with a crucifix and other religious objects frequently found in rural households) and give sweets to children waiting along the way. Unlike earlier interpretations of the pilgrimage as a Celtic pagan cult, modern research places it among the Good Friday processions and Passion plays, developed in the late 15th century in formal analogy with the Jubilee Pilgrimage in Rome.


G. Graber, Die Vierberger, in: Carinthia I, No. 102, 1912; H. Gerndt, Vierbergelauf, 1973.