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Wagram, Schlacht bei#

Wagram, Battle of, July 5/6, 1809: in his fight against Napoleon ( Napoleonic Wars) Archduke Karl failed to take advantage of his victory at Aspern on May 21/22, 1809; as a result, Napoleon increased his forces while Austrian troops under Archduke Johann were defeated at Raab (Gyoer, Hungary) and arrived at the Marchfeld plain too late. The French achieved a decisive victory at Deutsch-Wagram (Lower Austria) in the two-day Battle of Wagram. After another skirmish at Znaim (Znojma), Archduke Karl agreed to an armistice and was dismissed as supreme commander by Emperor Franz I. On October 14, 1809 Austria had to accept the Peace of Schoenbrunn. - The main quarters of Archduke Karl are now the location of a museum ("Napoleontisch" table); the battlefield was marked with 22 memorial stones in 16 locations in 1959.


M. Rauchensteiner, Die Schlacht bei Deutsch-Wagram am 5. und 6. Juli 1809, in: Militaerhistorische Schriftenreihe 36, 1977.