Wiener Kammeroper#
Wiener Kammeroper, founded by H. Gabor in 1953, who managed the opera until his death in 1994 (formerly "Wiener Opernstudio", 1948-1950). From 1961 operas were staged on a regular basis in the Theater im Hotel Post in Fleischmarkt street. The programme consisted of opera buffa, classical repertory (including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) and contemporary pieces, which were "institutionalised" and given their own stage called "Studio K" in the season of 1983/84. Since 1992, summer performances have taken place at Schoenbrunn (open-air performances at the Roman Ruins in the gardens of Schoenbrunn Palace and in the palace theatre). Numerous international guest performances (from Japan, China, USA, France, Germany, etc.). The promotion of young talents is one of the chief concerns of the Wiener Kammeroper (International Belvedere-Competition since 1982).