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Zentralstelle für das Bildungswesen#

Zentralstelle fuer das Bildungswesen (also "sozialistische Arbeiterbildungszentrale"/"Socialist Workers' Educational Headquarters"), educational organisation of the Sozial-demokratische Arbeiterpartei (Social Democratic Workers' Party) and, later, the SPOe (Austrian Social Democratic Party). Between 1891/1908 and 1934 the Zentralstelle fuer das Bildungswesen was the highest level of the Austrian workers' educational system ( Arbeiterbildungsvereine (workers' educational societies)), whose activities were not only directed towards the Social Democratic Party but also to the free trade unions, consumer cooperatives and chambers of labour. It published the magazine "Bildungsarbeit - Blaetter fuer das sozialistische Bildungswesen" (Educational Work - Journal for the Socialist Educational System); its secretaries were R. Danneberg and J. Luitpold. After 1945 the organisation was re-established within the SPOe Central Secretariat and maintained educational committees in provincial and district organisations and hostels in Vienna and Baden. When a federal law on the foundation of Political Academies was passed in 1973, the organisation was dissolved and the Dr.-Karl-Renner Institute was founded to provide basic training and further education for officials, party members and delegates of the SPOe. Apart from the central institute in Vienna there is one provincial office in each federal province. For political matters, there is still an educational organisation with a federal educational secretariat and educational committees in the party's provincial, district, and local organisations.


J. Weidenholzer, Auf dem Weg zum "Neuen Menschen", 21983.