Gerhard Huber#

General information: #
- DI Dr. Gerhard Huber
- Ph.: +43 664 1658 771
- email: gh
- web:
- Born: 20.4.1964 in Leoben
- Citizenship: Austria
- marrried
- one child
- Studied Mechanical Engineering at Graz University of Technology
- 1988: Ph.D.: „The impact of modern physics on economy and management"
- Professional Photgrapher for 25 years
- Huber's German Main Page as Member of Editorial Board of Austria - Forum
- Huber's user page
- Overview of new presentations 2018/2019 Saison 2081/2019
Activities in arts (independent Company since 1999)#
- Head, integration and communication with Austrian Energy (Waagner Biro), including a number of arts projects
- Did more than 150 photo presentations of countries
- Has his own series of lectures (ReiseVersum, i.e. Travelversum) since 2008
- Picturevolume „Mystik der Wüste“ (Styria Publishing)
- Art in the Cinema, 2013
- Numerous short movies and multimediapresentations with other artists
Awards and Prizes#
- MAECENAS for „Kunst in the Triangle“ (Austrian Energy)
- Winner for El Mundo Adventure- and Travel Slidefestival 2011
Some 40.000 pictures from a variety of countries and growing:#
- 1092 Ägypten - Egypt
- 50 Argentinien - Argentinia
- 431 Armenien
- 306 Aserbaidschan
- 1.400 Äthiopien - Ethiopia
- 300 Botswana
- 175 Brunei
- 270 Karibik - Caribbean Islands
- 1284 China
- 1.000 Kroatien - Croatia
- 400 Dänemark - Denmark
- 600 Frankreich - France
- 591 Georgien
- 3133 Griechenland - Greece
- 150 Grönland - Greenland
- 139 Großbritannien - United Kingdom
- 1300 Indien - India (Westlicher Himalaya - Western Himalaya)
- 867 Irland
- 450 Island - Iceland
- 1.600 Italien - Italy
- 400 Jordanien - Jordania
- 50 Kasachstan - Kazachstan
- 350 Kirgisistan - Kyrgyzstan
- 600 Malta
- 900 Marokko/Morocco
- 650 Myanmar
- 1036 Namibia
- 700 Oman
- Muscat (92)
- Nizwa and the Jebel Akhdar (87)
- Dhofar Region and the Rub' al Khali (172)
- Jebel Shams (175)
- Sharqiya Sands (44)
- Sur and its environs (129)
- 1.700 Peru
- 700 Phillipinen - Phillipines
- 808 Portugal
- 400 Schweden - Sweden
- 500 Seychellen - Seychelles
- 400 Simbabwe
- 320 Singapur
- 2.000 Spanien - Spain
- 400 Südkorea - South Korea
- 700 Syrien - Syria
- 600 Taiwan
- 110 Tajikistan
- 1.800 Türkei -Turkey
- 150 Turkmenistan
- 735 USA - Ostküste
- Jamestowm (56)
- Philadelphia (32)
- Washington, D.C. (146)
- Atlantic City und Princeton (70)
- New York: Financial District and Ground Zero (114)
- New York: The Villages, Brooklyn and Coney Island (109)
- New York: Midtown Manhattan (163)
- 'The Hamptons' (45)
- 285 USA - Westküste
- Seattle (35)
- Olympic National Park (31)
- Vulkanland der Cascade Range (36)
- Oregon's Nationalparks (47)
- Lassen Volcanic National Park (CA) (31)
- San Francisco und Umgebung (105)
- 500 USA - Neuengland
- Boston, Massachusetts (127)
- Plymouth, Massachusetts (65)
- Cape Cod, Massachusetts (76)
- Salem, Massachusetts - 'the Witch City' (14)
- Indian Summer in den Green Mountains, Vermont (58)
- Quechee Gorge, Vermont (10)
- Mystic Seaport, Connecticut] (14)
- Acadia National Park, Maine (59)
- Portland und Camden, Maine (19)
- Newport, Rhode Island (48)
- White Mountains, New Hampshire (48)
- 498 USA - Florida:
- Miami (72)
- Florida's East Coast (151)
- Key West (74)
- Everglades National Park (69)
- Disney World (132)
- 250 Usbekistan
- 1.000 Vereinigte Arabischen Emiraten - United Arab Emirates
- 600 Zypern - Cyprus
... for more pictures from other contributores look at the summary at Geography/Many_Pictures.