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unbekannter Gast


In February 2004, a coup d'état originating in the north of the country forced the resignation and exile of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

It has the lowest Human Development Index in the Americas.

Michel Martelly, the previous president, was elected in the 2011 general election.

  • Haiti has largest boundary with Dominican Republic which is approximately 360 km.
  • The largest export partner of Haiti is US.
  • The largest import partner of Haiti is Dominican.
  • There are 13 seaports in Haiti.

Tourist Attraction#

Young girls add an additional pop of color to Cap-Haitien, or "Le Cap."

National Facts#

  • The national bird of Haiti is Hispaniolan trogon.
  • The national sport of Haiti is Football.
  • The famous dance of Haiti is Méringue.

Hispaniolan trogon, Foto: source: Wikicommons unter CC
Hispaniolan trogon
Foto: source: Wikicommons unter CC


  1. Text marked as italic is taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti unter CC