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unbekannter Gast


Telephone system:general assessment: highly developed and efficient domestic: fixed-line subscribership has been in decline since the mid-1990s with mobile-cellular subscribership eclipsing it by the late 1990s; the fiber-optic net is very extensive; all telephone applications and Internet services are available
Telephones - main lines in use3.342 million (2012)
Telephones - mobile cellular:13.59 million (2012)
international: country code - 43; satellite earth stations - 15; in addition, there are about 600 VSATs (very small aperture terminals) (2007)
Broadcast media:Austria's public broadcaster, Osterreichischer Rundfunk (ORF), was the main broadcast source until commercial radio and TV service was introduced in the 1990s; cable and satellite TV are available, including German TV stations (2008)
Internet country code:.at
Internet hosts:3.512 million (2012)
Internet users:6.143 million (2009)