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Philosophy of Geography of the World#

(Under construction)

With this database we are trying to offer comprehensive information on many aspects of the current 193 United Nations countries, and a number of territories.

We have collected the information from sources as much as those allow to use their information (partially under some kind of license). Much of the information comes from the following sources:

  • Factbook
  • Natural Earth (map material)
  • World heritage site (basically just lists with links to the site)
  • Nobel laureates site (basically just lists with links to the site)
  • Wolf prize awardees (basically just lists with links to the site)

All of the above information can be used freely but we ask you to mention "austria-forum.org/Geography"

We are hoping to add further information from other data-bases, including Wikipedia and typical pictures for each country from various sources. Some of that materail can be used freely, some under CC license, some (with a © remark) must not be used in any way except after obtaining an explicit permission.

We are tring to verify various parts of information and have started with three concrete issues:

  • Size of countries by using data from 6 databases, and checking those numbers against each other and further data-bases. If one definite answer is given, the number is shown in square kilometers. If numbers disagree to more than 1/10 th of one percent we show all figures and attempt in some cases to find out where the discrepancies come from.
  • We list a ranking of the 8 largest cities of each country if our sources agree, otherwise we show again all discrepancies and try to to give explanations in some cases.
  • We list a ranking of the five hightest mountains (for countries with mountains over 1000 m altitude) if sources agree, otherwise we show the disagreements.

In many instances we very much need the community for help: to correct and add information, to clarify situations we do not understand, etc. How difficult the situation is you can see from our paper that is added here as PDF-File and is based on the quote "Whenever your read something on the Web it is likely to be incorrect" Geography.pdf !

Anyone interested in helping by e.g. sending us corrections, additions, further possible databases, sample pictures for a country, some specific stories on some country or site, please contact hmaurer@iicm.edu .

If you find information where you think that Austria-Forum is violating some copyright, please inform us immediatley: we are doing our best to make sure that no copyright infringement happens, yet with over 1/2 million objects collected by a large community mistakes can never be excluded.

Thank you.

Austria-Forum Team