Page - 1023 - in THE FIRST WORLD WAR - and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
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1. On the Eve
1 An excellent overview of the current status of international research and the results of country-specific
research is given by Gerd Krumeich and Gerhard Hirschfeld, Die Geschichtsschreibung zum Ersten
Weltkrieg, in : Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg, edited by Gerhard Hirschfeld, Gerd Krumeich and Irina
Renz (Paderborn/Munich/Vienna/Zürich, 2009), 304–315 and in other chapters of the exposition and
in the lexicon section of the encyclopaedia. Detailed information on current research and literature ref-
erences of particular importance are included in the volume by Wolfdieter Bihl (ed.), Deutsche Quellen
zur Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges (=
Ausgewählte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte der Neuzeit
Freiherr-vom-Stein Gedächtnisausgabe XXIX, Darmstadt, 1991). By the same author : Der Erste Welt-
krieg 1914–1918. Chronik, Daten, Fakten (Vienna/Cologne/Graz, 2010) ; bibliography 314–321. Also :
Wolfgang J. Mommsen, Die Urkatastrophe Deutschlands. Der Erste Weltkrieg 1914–1918 (= Bruno
Gebhardt, Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, Vol. 17, Stuttgart, 2002). An exposé of the aspect ac-
cording to which Russia bore a highly substantial share of the guilt for the unleashing of the war, aside
from the German publications during the inter-war years focussing on who was to blame for the war, is
given in the recently published volume by British historian Sean McMeekin, The Russian Origins of the
First World War (London, 2011). A summary of the most important opinions following the controversy
surrounding the causes of the outbreak of war in 1914 that was triggered by Fritz Fischer is given in
the anthology : Erster Weltkrieg. Ursachen, Entstehung und Kriegsziele, edited by Wolfgang Schieder
(= Neue Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek, Vol. 32, Cologne/Berlin, 1969). The Austro-Hungarian aspect,
which is hardly considered at all in most British, French and also German publications, dominates in
older works by Austrian authors, in particular : Mathilde Uhlirz, Handbuch der Geschichte Österreichs
und seiner Nachbarländer Böhmen und Ungarn, Vol. 3 (Weltkrieg 1914−1918, Graz/Leipzig/Vienna,
1940). Also : Hans Uebersberger, Österreich zwischen Russland und Serbien. Zur südslawischen Frage
und der Entstehung des Ersten Weltkrieges (Cologne/Graz, 1958) ; Roderich Gooß, Das Wiener Ka-
binett und die Entstehung des Weltkrieges. Mit Ermächtigung des Leiters des Deutschösterreichischen
Staatsamtes für Äußeres auf Grund aktenmäßiger Forschung dargestellt (Vienna, 1919). Comprehen-
sive bibliographic references from the more recent and very recent past on the history of Austria-Hun-
gary in the decades before the war, as well as the First World War itself, are provided in the volumes,
to be acknowledged in detail later, published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Die Habsburger-
monarchie 1848 bis 1918, also in Ernst Hanisch, Der lange Schatten des Staates. Österreichische Ge-
sellschaftsgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert (Vienna, 1994) and of course in most of the works listed below.
2 ‘The grand seminal catastrophe of this century’.
3 Also : Hew Strachan, Towards a comparative history of World War I, in : Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift
Vol. 67, No. 2 (2008), 339–344.
and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
- Title
- Subtitle
- and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
- Author
- Manfried Rauchensteiner
- Publisher
- Böhlau Verlag
- Location
- Wien
- Date
- 2014
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-3-205-79588-9
- Size
- 17.0 x 24.0 cm
- Pages
- 1192
- Categories
- Geschichte Vor 1918
Table of contents
- 1 On the Eve 11
- 2 Two Million Men for the War 49
- 3 Bloody Sundays 81
- 4 Unleashing the War 117
- 5 ‘Thank God, this is the Great War!’ 157
- 6 Adjusting to a Longer War 197
- 7 The End of the Euphoria 239
- 8 The First Winter of the War 283
- 9 Under Surveillance 317
- 10 ‘The King of Italy has declared war on Me’ 355
- 11 The Third Front 383
- 12 Factory War and Domestic Front, 1915 413
- 13 Summer Battle and ‘Autumn Swine’ 441
- 14 War Aims and Central Europe 469
- 15 South Tyrol : The End of an Illusion (I) 497
- 16 Lutsk :The End of an Illusion (II) 521
- 17 How is a War Financed ? 555
- 18 The Nameless 583
- 19 The Death of the Old Emperor 607
- 20 Emperor Karl 641
- 21 The Writing on the Wall 657
- 22 The Consequences of the Russian February Revolution 691
- 23 Summer 1917 713
- 24 Kerensky Offensive and Peace Efforts 743
- 25 The Pyrrhic Victory : The Breakthrough Battle of Flitsch-Tolmein 769
- 26 Camps 803
- 27 Peace Feelers in the Shadow of Brest-Litovsk 845
- 28 The Inner Front 869
- 29 The June Battle in Veneto 895
- 30 An Empire Resigns 927
- 31 The Twilight Empire 955
- 32 The War becomes History 983
- Epilogue 1011
- Afterword 1013
- Acknowledgements and Dedication 1019
- Notes 1023
- Selected Printed Sources and Literature 1115
- Index of People and Places 1155