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unbekannter Gast

Albrecht II#

b. 1298 Habsburg Castle (Switzerland), d. Vienna, July 20, 1358, son of Albrecht I; father of Rudolf IV, Albrecht III and Leopold III; Duke of Austria and Styria. From 1326 governed the south-western possessions following the death of his brother Friedrich I. 1330-1339 ruled Austria, first with his brother Otto der Froehliche (the Merry), then alone. Acquired Carinthia and Carniola in 1335. In 1340 extended the privileges of Vienna and made it his principal residence. In 1355 issued the Albertinische Hausordnung to safeguard the Habsburg dominions against the dangers of division. Afflicted by polyarthritis was called "the Lame" (also "the Wise"). He founded the Carthusian monastery at Gaming where he is buried.


B. Hamann (ed.), Die Habsburger, 41993.