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unbekannter Gast

Farkas, Karl#

b. Vienna, Oct. 28, 1893, d. Vienna, May 16, 1971, revue entertainer, actor, stage manager, author. From 1920 performances at the "Neuen Wiener Buehne", then at the Vienna revue "Simplicissimus", where he developed the "Doppelconference" (dialogue between two cabaret entertainers) with F. Gruenbaum. Together with Gruenbaum F. took over the management of the Vienna Stadttheater in 1926, of the "Moulin Rouge" and the "Simpl" revue in 1927. Apart from the period 1938-1946 (emigration to the USA) he was director of the "Simpl" until his death. F. characterized the "Simpl" as an entertainment revue ("Doppelconference" genre with E. Waldbrunn). Appeared regularly in radio and television programmes (1957-1962 "Bilanz des Monats", "Bilanz der Saison", "Bilanz des Jahres").


comedies, books on operettas, revues, cabaret sequences, poems,


H. Veigl (ed.), Ins eigene Nest. Sketches, Bilanzen, Doppelconferencen, 21991; G. Markus, Das grosse Farkas-Buch, 1993.