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Heanzen (Heinzen, Hienzen, Hinzen), the German-speaking population of southern and central Burgenland and of the peripheral areas of the Hungarian county of Oedenburg (Sopron) who immigrated into the area in the 11th and 12th  centuries. The origin of the name is disputed, it might be the generic version of the male first name "Heinz", once very popular among the local farmers (Heanzen-Land = Bauernland, farmers´ country) or it could be derived from the Emperor Heinrich IV, during whose reign the settlers came into the country. According to E. Kranzmayer and M. Hornung it is a derisive nickname used among farmers, going back to the frequent use of the dialect word "heanz" or "hienz" for "jetzt" (= now). Since the formation and naming of Burgenland province the new term "Burgenlaender" has increasingly replaced the word "Heanzen".

The "heanzischen" dialects vary considerably from region to region and have for a long time remained unchanged because High German was not taught at school while Burgenland was Hungarian territory. Today these dialects are being replaced by general colloquial Austrian German; just as in Lower Austria, the 'ui' is being replaced by 'ua' (e.g. Muida - Muada for "Mutter" = mother). Dialect literature of the Heanzen was collected by the writers J. Ebenspanger and J. R. Buenker, the first well-known Heanzen dialect writer was J. Reichl.


H. Neubauer, Mia Heanznleut, 1962.