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unbekannter Gast

Kindermann, Joseph Karl#

Kindermann, Joseph Karl, b. near Budapest (Hungary), March 4, 1744, d. Vienna, Oct. 15, 1801, geographer, cartographer and writer. In 1768 joined the Dutch East India Company, went to South Africa and contributed to the "Histoire Naturelle" (1750) by G. L. Leclerc de Buffon. Acquainted with J. Cook. In 1774 returned to Vienna and worked in scientific fields and in the field of adult education in the spirit of Josephinism. 1787-1800 head of the newspaper "Graetzer Zeitung". In his function of editor-in-chief of the "Atlas des Oe. Kaiserthums" (Atlas of the Austrian Empire) he published 8 maps of the Austrian lands between 1801 and his death.


Hist. und Geograph. Abriss des Herzogtums Stmk., 1779; Die Provinz Inner-Oe., 1789-1797 (atlas with 12 maps).