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unbekannter Gast


Gugging, Lower Austria, part of the municipality of Klosterneuburg, Lower Austrian provincial hospital of psychiatry and neurology, where, in the 1950s, L. Navratil introduced art and literature as a means of psychotherapy; this practice resulted in the establishment of the "Haus der Kuenstler" ("House of Artists") as a department of the hospital in 1981. Under the concept of "Art brut", the works of the psychiatric patients achieved international fame (travelling exhibition "Die Kuenstler aus Gugging", "The Artists of Gugging", 1983-1985). The works of artists like J. Hauser, O. Tschirtner und A. Walla were bought by renowned collectors of modern art. As far as literary works are concerned, the poetry of E. Herbeck deserves special mention.


L. Navratil, J. Hauser, Kunst aus Manie und Depression, 1978; idem, Die Kuenstler aus Gugging, 1983; idem, Gugging 1946-1986, vol. 1: Art brut und Psychiatrie, vol. 2: Werke und ihre Kuenstler, 1997.