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unbekannter Gast

Matras, Josef#

b. Vienna, March 1, 1832, d. Vienna, Sept. 30, 1887, popular singer and actor. At first waiter who sometimes sang Viennese songs for his guests, M. became member of the Kwapil popular singer's society in 1852. Until 1855 at various travelling stages. Together with J. Fuerst M. founded a popular singer's society in 1858. 1862 at the "Fuersttheater" in the Vienna Prater, then until 1879 at the "Carltheater" as comedian (mostly in Nestroy pieces) and in operetta parts where he formed a very successful trio of comedians together with K. Blasel and W. Knaack. From 1882 to his death in a mental institution afflicted with an incurable mental illness.
