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unbekannter Gast

Mauer bei Amstetten#

Mauer bei Amstetten, Lower Austria, village in the district of Amstetten, alt. 300 m, situated between the River Ybbs and the Url stream, cadastral district of the town of Amstetten. - Dynamic economic structure characterized by numerous manufacturing companies and trading enterprises in the Amstetten-West commercial district. - Major Roman excavation site (graveyard and castle which perhaps formed part of the ancient Locus Felicis). In 1937 the most magnificent archaeological finds of Austria were discovered at Mauer bei Amstetten when a Roman shrine dedicated to Jupiter Dolichenus was opened. Its contents comprised bronze statuettes, bronze votive standards, silver votive offerings, bronze dishes and iron appliances. The shrine was probably hidden in the ground around 250 A.D. (today exhibited in the Kunsthistorisches Museum). - According to designs by C. von Boog, several Art Nouveau pavilions were erected between 1898 and 1902 which have since housed the provincial hospital and nursing home for mentally handicapped persons (today called Provincial Centre for Nervous Diseases).


R. Noll, Das Inventar des Dolichenusheiligtums von Mauer an der Url, 1980.