Ramek, Rudolf#
Ramek, Rudolf, b. Cieszyn, Poland (then Teschen), April 12, 1881, d. Vienna, July 24, 1941, jurist and politician (Christian-Socialist party). From 1918 lawyer in Salzburg, 1920-1934 delegate to the Nationalrat, 1919/20 Staatssekretaer for Justice in the Renner cabinet, 1921 Federal Minister of the Interior and for Education, Nov. 20, 1924 to Oct. 20, 1926 Federal Chancellor; brought about the end of financial control by the League of Nations, as well as revenue sharing and an amendment to the constitution, completed the financial revitalisation programme started by I. Seipel. R.´s downfall was caused by his involvement in the scandal surrounding Minister of Finance J. Ahrer and by the collapse of the Steirerbank and Postsparkasse banks. In 1930 he became 2nd president of the Nationalrat and on April 30, 1934 he chaired the last session of the rump parliament (last parliamentary session of the First Republic). 1930 president of the International Foundation Mozarteum.
I. Ackerl, R. R. in: F. Weissensteiner and E. Weinzierl (eds.), Die oe. Bundeskanzler, 1983; OeBL.