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Rudolfsheim-Fuenfhaus,. Vienna's 15th district, area 3.87 km2, pop. 69,309 (1991), was created in 1938 by combining the 14th (Rudolfsheim) and the 15th districts (Fuenfhaus) and establishing a new 14th district, Penzing, which was separated from the 13th district. The district has carried this double name since 1957, to recall both of the former districts. Rudolfsheim (named after Crown Prince Rudolf) was formed in 1863 by combining Reindorf (first documented mention in 1411), Braunhirschen and Rustendorf. Vienna's former 14th district carrying the same name was established after its official incorporation into the city in 1890-1892 by merging Rudolfsheim with Sechshaus. Fuenfhaus ("five houses") was named for five winegrowers' houses built around 1710.

Located in Rudolfsheim-Fuenfhaus, which was heavily built up in the 19th century, are the former military parade ground Schmelz, the Westbahnhof train station, the Stadthalle multipurpose complex (1952-1958) and Stadthallenbad public indoor swimming pool (1960-1974) built by R. Rainer, the Elisabeth-Spital hospital, the headquarters of the Arbeiter-Samariterbund ambulance and rescue service, the Rudolfsheim and "Schmelz" senior citizens´ homes, vocational school, Haus der Begegnung social centre and the University of Vienna's sports centre "Auf der Schmelz". - Maria vom Siege church (1868-1875 built by F. v. Schmidt), Christus-Koenig (Christ-the-King) parish and memorial church (1933-1934 built by C. Holzmeister), until 1938 with the graves of I. Seipel and E. Dollfuss. Apartment complexes: Heimhof (1919-1923); Nibelungenviertel (residence complex situated on the eastern portion of the Schmelz, many of the houses were built in Secessionist style); numerous council housing complexes, including: Eberthof (1925-1926), Vogelweidhof (1926-1928), Koenigstetter-Hof (1932-1933), Franz-Haider-Hof (1966-1969), Braunhirschengasse residential complex (1975-1978) and "Wohnen morgen" (1976, built by W. Holzbauer), Nobilegasse apartment building (1983-1987, built by F. Kurrent). - Lugner City and Meiselmarktzentrum shopping centres. - "Schmelz" water reservoir; Stadtbahn transit line bridge (built by O. Wagner in 1895-1902); ARBOe headquarters; OeAMTC technical services and roadside assistance. The 15th district is also of great importance as far as transportation is concerned: Westbahn motorway, underground lines U3, U4 and U6. - With 23.6 %, Rudolfsheim-Fuenfhaus had the highest percentage of foreigners per district in 1991 (Vienna overall: 12.8 %).

Many businesses and industries are also located in the 15th district (metal and plastic goods, technology, celluloid products, spirits).


F. Czeike, Rudolfsheim-Fuenfhaus, Wiener Bezirkskulturfuehrer, 1980; idem, Historisches Lexikon Wien, 5 vols., 1992-1997.