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unbekannter Gast


Trofaiach, Styria, town in the district of Leoben, alt. 658 m, pop. 8,519, area 5.01 km2, situated on the Vordernberger Bach stream to the northwest of Leoben, on the old iron road. - Lebenshilfe day centre for the disabled, sports hall, city library, district heating plant, 2 transformer stations; large service sector (especially in trade, public and social service); woodworking, metal and plastics processing, carrier trade, building trade, some summer tourism. - Hammermills documented in the Middle Ages, flourishing iron industry up to the 19th  century; chartered in 1979. - Gothic parish church with Romanesque core, choir (14th  century), nave (1462), mighty fortified tower, Gothic frescoes (15th  century), magnificent high altar (documented mention in 1722), painting of the Virgin Mary (around 1700); subsidiary church of the Holy Trinity (hall church, around 1520), Baroque frescoes, high altar (1752) from the Dominican church in Leoben. Palaces and castles: Stibichhofen (15th and 17th centuries, now museum) and Mell (altered in 1871/1872); Renaissance Oberdorf palace (called Stockschloss) (in the municipality Gai) with superb Renaissance windows.


A. Reiter, Trofaiach Altes Kulturzentrum im steirischen Erzgebiet, 1963; A. Seebacher-Mesaritsch, Trofaiach. Heimatbuch zur Stadterhebung, 1979.