Vorchdorf, Upper Austria, market town in the district of Gmunden, alt. 413 m, pop. 6,868, area 48.00 km2, industrial town between the Alm stream and the Laudach river. - 2,773 inhabitants in gainful employment (1991), of whom 74 % are employed in the production sector: Automobile components industry, garden furniture manufacturing plant, window production plant, metal processing industry, environmental technology, galvanising shop, brewery, building and construction industry, ecological furniture production plant, dairy. - Late Gothic parish church (documented mention in 1196), around 1700 redecorated in Baroque style, high altar (1691) with sculptures by M. Zuern the Younger, late Gothic crucifix (1520); Holy Cross chapel, crucifixion group by M. Zuern the Younger (1690); Baroque-style burghers´ houses; Hochhaus Palace (around 1600) in Renaissance style, local heritage museum since 1985.
R. Schwarzelmueller, Vorchdorf, 1959.