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unbekannter Gast

Wolfsegg am Hausruck#

Wolfsegg am Hausruck, Upper Austria, market town in the district of Voecklabruck, alt. 645 m, pop. 1,999, area 12.02 km2, summer tourism and climatic health resort (20,220 overnight stays in 1992) in the eastern Hausruck Mountains. - Hydrotherapy institute, institute for medicinal baths and massages, Austrian summer ballet centre. Production of machines, fire-resistant doors, ventilation containers and heating systems. - Parish church with 15th century core, redesigned by J. M: Prunner in 1729, altered after a fire (1864); late-Gothic crucifix (around 1520) and processional cross (around 1500); castle (17th century), castle chapel with altarpiece by B. Altomonte; column of St. Mary (1704); Peace Museum.


J. Nagl (ed.), Heimatbuch Wolfsegg am Hausruck, 1989.