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Sarajevo #

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Sarajevo lies in its namesake valley surrounded by the Dinaric Alps; the Miljacka River flows through the city.

Valleys, Sarajevo#

Valleys, Sarajevo
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Sarajevo sprawls over much of its namesake valleys floor.

Cathedral of Jesus #

Cathedral of Jesus
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The Cathedral of Jesus Heart (bosn. Katedrala Srca Isusova) is the largest cathedral in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is the center of Catholic worship in the city of Sarajevo. Located in the Old Town district, the church was constructed between 1884 and 1889 by Josip Vancaš the Neo-Gothic style, but displays Romanesque elements.

Damaged during the Siege of Sarajevo (1992-1994), it has been completely restored in 2013. The interior with white marble sculptures and colourfull glass windows is still the original work.

Flame Memorial, Sarajevo (2)#

Flame Memorial, Sarajevo (2)
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A closer view of the Eternal Flame Memorial in Sarajevo honoring the military and civilian victims of World War II.

More pictures from Sarajevo