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Place des Concelles#

Place des Concelles, Photo: T. Högg
Place des Concelles, Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0

The Place des Concelles is one of the most famous places in Bordeaux. With a size of 12 hectare it is the largest square in Europe. The trees are planted in staggered rows, this is where the word "concelles" comes from.

Miroir d'eau#

Miroir d
Miroir d eau, Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0
Miroir d
Miroir d eau, Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0

Since centurys the 3.450 qm big Miroir d'eau is the sign of Bordeaux and famous in the whole world. This place was built for 20 years in the 18th century.

Grand Théâtre#

Grand Théâtre, Photo: T. Högg
Grand Théâtre, Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0
Grand Théâtre, Photo: T. Högg
Grand Théâtre, Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0

The Grand Théâtre was built by architect Victor Louis für 20 years in the 18th century at the time of Ludwig XVI. Today there are many events during every year, like concerts, operas and ballet shows.

More glimpses of Bordeaux#

Bordeaux, Photo: T. Högg
Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0
Bordeaux, Photo: T. Högg
Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0
Bordeaux, Photo: T. Högg
Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0
Bordeaux, Photo: T. Högg
Photo: T. Högg, unter CC BY-SA 4.0