Page - 1108 - in THE FIRST WORLD WAR - and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
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1108 Notes
2323 Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg im Breisgau (German Federal Military Archives ; hereafter
BArch-MA), Cramon, Aufzeichnungen, 80a.
2324 The history of this memorandum (which has not been preserved) described in detail in : Glaise-Hors-
tenau, General im Zwielicht I, 483.
2325 See Alexandra Hois, “Weibliche Hilfskräfte” in der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee im Ersten
Weltkrieg. diploma thesis, University of Vienna, 2012, here 12-107. The figure given by Hois of up to
55,000 auxiliary workers is only a pure estimate, even if a large degree of fluctuation has to be taken
into account. See also the figures given by the Chief of Recruitment, General Hazai, in the following
2326 KA, AOK Q.No. 119,083 from 1918.
2327 Synodal Archives Budapest, Nachlass Tisza, Box 5, Fasz. 17.
2328 Helmut Rumpler, Max Hussarek, Nationalitäten und Nationalitätenpolitik in Österreich im Sommer
des Jahres 1918 (= Studien zur Geschichte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie 4, Graz/Co-
logne, 1965), 23.
2329 Štih, Simoniti, Vodopivec, Slowenische Geschichte, 309.
2330 Rumpler, Hussarek, 25.
2331 Kosnetter, Seidler, 197–207.
2332 Rumpler, Hussarek, 27.
2333 Ibid., 30, with the conclusion : ‘[…] one cannot suppress the doubt as to whether the Emperor still has
an overview of all the correlations.’
2334 Ibid.
2335 Ibid., 35.
2336 See the comprehensive account in Plaschka, Haselsteiner, Suppan, Innere Front, esp. Vol. 2.
2337 Rumpler, Hussarek, 44.
2338 Ibid.
2339 Ibid., 44 et seq.
2340 Kindler, Cholmer Frage, 337–348.
2341 The figures are also to be found on image placards that were published in France and Italy in 1918 and
1919. One of these is in the Italian War Museum in Rovereto.
2342 Rumpler, Hussarek, 70.
2343 Ibid., 71.
2344 Meier, Christlichsoziale, 118.
2345 Reichspost No. 273, 17.6.1918.
2346 Meier, Christlichsoziale, 122.
2347 Lukan, Die slowenische Politik, 176f et seq. and Rumpler, Hussarek, 79.
2348 The National Archives, Kew (hereafter TNA, Kew), FO 371/3135/107968, Information on the Yugo-
slav committee held by the British government regarding the strength of the ‘Serbo-Croat Volunteer
Corps’ and the Yugoslav division.
2349 Quoted from : Rumpler, Hussarek, 96.
2350 KA, AOK, Op. geh. 2168, Résumé of the discussions and details.
2351 Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv (Austrian State Archives, HHStA), PA I, Box 500, XLVII 2b, 20, AOK.
Op. geh. 1689, 21.7.1918.
2352 Polatschek, Österreichisch-ungarische Truppen, 53–61.
2353 Ibid., 68.
2354 Ibid., 70.
2355 The Imperial and Royal 1st and 35th Infantry Divisions were relocated with the first transports. The
and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
- Title
- Subtitle
- and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
- Author
- Manfried Rauchensteiner
- Publisher
- Böhlau Verlag
- Location
- Wien
- Date
- 2014
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-3-205-79588-9
- Size
- 17.0 x 24.0 cm
- Pages
- 1192
- Categories
- Geschichte Vor 1918
Table of contents
- 1 On the Eve 11
- 2 Two Million Men for the War 49
- 3 Bloody Sundays 81
- 4 Unleashing the War 117
- 5 ‘Thank God, this is the Great War!’ 157
- 6 Adjusting to a Longer War 197
- 7 The End of the Euphoria 239
- 8 The First Winter of the War 283
- 9 Under Surveillance 317
- 10 ‘The King of Italy has declared war on Me’ 355
- 11 The Third Front 383
- 12 Factory War and Domestic Front, 1915 413
- 13 Summer Battle and ‘Autumn Swine’ 441
- 14 War Aims and Central Europe 469
- 15 South Tyrol : The End of an Illusion (I) 497
- 16 Lutsk :The End of an Illusion (II) 521
- 17 How is a War Financed ? 555
- 18 The Nameless 583
- 19 The Death of the Old Emperor 607
- 20 Emperor Karl 641
- 21 The Writing on the Wall 657
- 22 The Consequences of the Russian February Revolution 691
- 23 Summer 1917 713
- 24 Kerensky Offensive and Peace Efforts 743
- 25 The Pyrrhic Victory : The Breakthrough Battle of Flitsch-Tolmein 769
- 26 Camps 803
- 27 Peace Feelers in the Shadow of Brest-Litovsk 845
- 28 The Inner Front 869
- 29 The June Battle in Veneto 895
- 30 An Empire Resigns 927
- 31 The Twilight Empire 955
- 32 The War becomes History 983
- Epilogue 1011
- Afterword 1013
- Acknowledgements and Dedication 1019
- Notes 1023
- Selected Printed Sources and Literature 1115
- Index of People and Places 1155