Page - 962 - in Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court - The Antique as Innovation, Volume 2
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962 Bibliography
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book Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court - The Antique as Innovation, Volume 2"
Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
The Antique as Innovation, Volume 2
- Title
- Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
- Subtitle
- The Antique as Innovation
- Volume
- 2
- Author
- Dirk Jacob Jansen
- Publisher
- Brill
- Location
- Leiden
- Date
- 2019
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-90-04-35949-9
- Size
- 15.8 x 24.1 cm
- Pages
- 542
- Categories
- Biographien
- Kunst und Kultur
Table of contents
- 11 The Musaeum: Strada’s Circle 547
- 12 The Musaeum: its Contents 576
- 12.1 Introduction 576
- 12.2 Strada’s own Descriptions of his Musaeum 577
- 12.3 Strada’s Acquisitions for Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria 580
- 12.4 Strada’s own Cabinet of Antiquities 592
- 12.5 Acquisitions of Other Materials in Venice 599
- 12.6 Commissions in Mantua 610
- 12.7 ‘Gemalte Lustigen Tiecher’: Contemporary Painting in Strada’s Musaeum 615
- 12.8 Conclusion 628
- 13 Books, Prints and Drawings: The Musaeum as a centre of visualdocumentation 629
- 13.1 Introduction 629
- 13.2 Strada’s Acquisition of Drawings 630
- 13.3 ‘Owls to Athens’: Some Documents Relating to Strada’s GraphicCollection 634
- 13.4 The Contents of Strada’s Collection of Prints and Drawings 641
- 13.5 Later Fate of Strada’s Prints and Drawings 647
- 13.6 Drawings Preserved in a Context Linking Them withStrada 649
- 13.7 Strada’s Commissions of Visual Documentation: Antiquity 673
- 13.8 Strada’s Commissions of Visual Documentation: Contemporary Architecture and Decoration 692
- 13.9 Images as a Source of Knowledge 711
- 13.10 Conclusion 717
- 14 ‘Ex Musaeo et Impensis Jacobi Stradae, S.C.M. Antiquarius, CivisRomani’: Strada’s Frustrated Ambitions as a Publisher 719
- 14.1 Is There Life beyond the Court? 719
- 14.2 Strada’s Family 719
- 14.3 Ottavio Strada’s Role 725
- 14.4 The Publishing Project: Strada Ambitions as a Publisher 728
- 14.5 The Musaeum as an Editorial Office? 739
- 14.6 Financing the Programme 752
- 14.7 The Index Sive Catalogus 760
- 14.8 Strada’s Approach of Christophe Plantin 775
- 14.9 The Rupture with Ottavio 781
- 14.10 Strada’s Testamentary Disposition 783
- 14.11 Conclusion: The Aftermath 786
- 15 Le Cose dell’antichità: Strada as a Student of Antiquity 799
- 16 Strada & Co.: By Appointment to His Majesty the Emperor 830
- 16.1 Strada as an Imperial Antiquary and Architect 830
- 16.2 Strada’s Role as an Agent 836
- 16.3 Strada as an Independent Agent 840
- 16.4 ‘Ex Musaeo Iacobi de Strada’: Study, Studio, Workshop, Office, Showroom 843
- 16.5 Strada’s Influence: An Agent of Change 849
- 16.6 Conclusion: Strada’s Personality 863
- 16.7 Epilogue: Back to the Portrait 868
- Appendices 877
- Chronological List of Sources 915
- Bibliography 932
- List of Illustrations 986
- Index 1038