Altomonte auch Hohenberg, Bartolomeo#
b. Warsaw (Poland), Feb. 24, 1701, d. St. Florian (Upper Austria), Nov. 11, 1783, son of Martino Altomonte, taught by his father and by D. Grans, renowned decorative painter of baroque frescoes; lived mainly in Linz.
Frescoes and altarpieces in: Upper Austria: Engelszell, Hellmonsoedt, Kremsmuenster (Calvary church), Linz (Elisabethinenkirche, Landhauskirche, Ursulinenkirche, Neunkirchen am Walde, Offenhausen, St. Florian, St. Georgen im Attergau, Spital am Phyrn, Voecklabruck (Neuwartenburg Castle), Wilhering (with his brother Andrea A.), Wolfsegg am Hausruck (castle chapel); Lower Austria: Grein, Herzogenburg, Kollerschlag, St. Poelten (Institute of the Ladies of Loretto), Seitenstetten, Zistersdorf; Styria: Admont.Literature#
B. Heinzl, B. A., 1964; H. Lorenz (ed.), Barock, Geschichte der bildenden Kunst in Oesterreich, ed. by H. Fillitz, vol. 4, 1999.