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unbekannter Gast


Baumgartenberg, Upper Austria, municipality in the district of Perg, alt. 237 m, pop. 1,424, area 15.72 km2, lying in the Machland marshlands north of the River Danube, convent and girls' boarding house of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, production of aluminium foils and concrete ware; Cistercian abbey built 1141-1784, former abbey church in late Romanesque and early Gothic styles with opulent Baroque interior. Four phases of construction can be discerned: 1st phase: Romanesque basilica (1243) with arcade columns in the nave, the crossing and the choir walls (preserved); 2nd phase: early Gothic narthex to the atrium (1301-1306); 3rd phase 1436-1446, choir rebuilt and a uniform roof structure created; 4th phase: church changed in the Baroque style (1660-1697) by A. Carlone (stucco by B. Carlone), frescoes (1698) by G. A. Mazza, Baroque interior of high quality: high altar (late 17th century, altar piece from 1694 by J. C. von Reslfeld), pulpit (approx. 1670) with image of St. Bernard in the base, gravestones from the 16th and 17th centuries.