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unbekannter Gast


Hausruck Mountains, Upper Austria, densely wooded low mountain range, 30 km long, up to approx. 800 m high (Goelblberg 801 m), situated in the Alpine foothills, between the River Inn and the Voeckla-Ager valley, consists of tertiary marl and gravel. Separates the Innviertel region from the rest of Upper Austria. Brown coal deposit near Ampflwang im Hausruckwald (mined until 1995), in Wolfsegg am Hausruck (mined until 1967) and in Thomasroith (until 1969), mineral oil and natural gas e.g. near Puchkirchen. The Kobernausserwald hills form its south-western end. The Attnang-Puchheim- Ried im Innkreis-Schaerding railway line traverses the Hausruck mountains at an altitude of 611 m (including a tunnel of 600 m length).