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unbekannter Gast

STEG, Steiermärkische Elektrizitäts-AG#

STEG, Steiermaerkische Elektrizitaets-AG, founded in 1902, owned by Schweizerischer Bankverein for a long time, which sold its share of around 98% to Oesterreichische Elektrizitaetswirtschaft AG ( Verbundkonzern), which in turn sold 29.3 % of that share to Steirische Wasserkraft- und Elektrizitaets-AG ( STEWEAG). STEG provides electricity to around 113,500 customers in several regions, including the north of Graz, the area surrounding Graz and Southern Styria. STEG generates part of its electricity in 4 power stations on the River Mur (Rabenstein, Peggau, Weinzoedl and Lebring power stations). The overall supply of electrical energy amounted to 1,610 GWh in 1998, of which 326 GWh were generated by STEG. Around 430 employees (1998).