Traditional Clothing#
by G. Jontes
Thousands of people from many villages and towns of Rajasthan meet in Pushkar
Pushkar, India
for the annual market. This is the world of peasants and simple people, where modernisation and motorization has not really happened yet. They show how they live without much technology. They still wear predominantly traditional clothing, even most man are quite colourful and have artitsticaly twisted turbans, quite in contrast to big cities where men are typically already clad like Westeners. Women's outfits are particularly colourful. One can clearly tell which region women come from, showing that the market is attended from almost all regiosn of Rajasthan. Mostly you meet Hindus and Muslims who seem to co-exist in a reasonably peaceful manner despite the former dictatorship of the Moguls and the thorny separation of India from Pakistan in 1947. NOTE: All photos were taken by the author in the years 1986/87, 2001 und 2006 and are part of the archive "Pictureflood Jontes".
Abertausende Leute aus einer Unzahl von Dörfern Rajasthans strömen in Pushkar
Pushkar, India
zusammen. Dass es die Welt der Bauern ist, die noch kaum Anschluss an die Modernisierung und Motorisierung der Landwirtschaft gefunden haben, zeigt sich auch in Grundlagen des Lebens. Sie kleiden sich zum großen Teil noch wie ihre Vorfahren, wobei hier auch die Männer, die in den Städten bereits westlich gekleidet sind, in ihren bunten Trachten und mit kunstvoll geschlungenen mächtigen Turbanen auftreten. Die Frauen bilden den eigentlichen farbigen Vordergrund dieser Leute. Und man kann die starke Differenzierung der Kleidung nach Regionen und Orten beobachten, die wiederum beweist, dass die Besucher des Marktes tatsächlich aus allen Regionen Rajasthans zusammenkommen. In der Hauptsache sind es Hindus und Muslime, die hier trotz der blutigen Erfahrungen mit diesen während der Zeit der Gewaltherrschaft der Moguln, noch halbwegs friedlich mit einander auskommen. HINWEIS: Alle Bilder stammen aus dem Archiv "Bilderflut Jontes" und wurden vom Autor in den Jahren 1986/87, 2001 und 2006 aufgenommen.
Traditional Clothing (1)
Traditional Clothing (2)
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Traditional Clothing (5)
Traditional Clothing (6)
- Traditional Clothing (7)
- Traditional Clothing (8)
- Traditional Clothing (9)
- Traditional Clothing (10)
- Traditional Clothing (11)
- Traditional Clothing (12)
- Traditional Clothing (13)
- Traditional Clothing (14)
- Traditional Clothing (15)
- Traditional Clothing (16)
- Traditional Clothing (17)
- Traditional Clothing (18)
- Traditional Clothing (19)
- Traditional Clothing (20)
- Traditional Clothing (21)
- Traditional Clothing (22)
- Traditional Clothing (23)
- Traditional Clothing (24)
- Traditional Clothing (25)
- Traditional Clothing (26)
- Traditional Clothing (27)
- Traditional Clothing (28)
- Traditional Clothing (29)
- Traditional Clothing (30)
- Traditional Clothing (31)
- Traditional Clothing (32)
- Traditional Clothing (33)
- Traditional Clothing (34)