Seite - 28 - in Charge Transport in DNA - Insights from Simulations
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Oppenheimer simulation.Here theHamiltonian isdiagonalized toyield thewave-
function coefficients am directly.
But, thewave-function can also be propagatedwithmore sophisticated non-adia-
batic schemes,whichwill bedescribed in the followingchapter2.6.
Application toDNA
Thepartof theDNAwhichis theeasiest tooxidizearethenucleobases,particularly
thepurinesadenine (A)andguanine (G).Guaninehas the lowest ionizationpoten-
tialofallnucleobaseswhile theIPofadenine is0.4eVhigher[77,78]. Sincecytosine
(C) and thymine (T) have an ionization potential about 1 eV higher, G andA are
supposed tobe thechargecarryingsites inDNAincaseofhole transport/transfer.
Therefore, the hole transfer inDNA in thismodel occurs between theHOMOof
guanine and adenine nucleobases, which form a linear chain of charge carrying
Issueswith thisQM/MMapproach
Thismulti-scale approach suffers from certain issues. Someof themare resulting
fromtheassumptionsmade, andsomeare inherent to theappliedmethods.
Firstly, the treatment of the single fragments involves approximations that require
discussion. When thepoint charges of theMMsystemareupdated after a stepof
dynamics, theCoulomb interactions of those atomsdo change. But, these interac-
tions are not evaluated for neighbors andnext-neighbors in theMMcalculations.
Thisway, thechangeofCoulombinteractions isneglectednearlycompletely.More-
over, theparametersof thebondsandanglesdonot changeeitheras theyarefixed
values of the used force-field. This way, the inner-sphere reorganization energy
(RE, see also chapter 2.6.1) is neglected completely. To account for this essential
flaw, the inner-sphereRE is introduced as an empirical contribution to the energy
of the system.Quantumchemical calculationsyieldavalue forλi of about0.23 eV
for adenineandguanine [79].
Charge Transport in DNA
Insights from Simulations
- Titel
- Charge Transport in DNA
- Untertitel
- Insights from Simulations
- Autor
- Mario Wolter
- Verlag
- KIT Scientific Publishing
- Datum
- 2013
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-SA 3.0
- 978-3-7315-0082-7
- Abmessungen
- 17.0 x 24.0 cm
- Seiten
- 156
- Schlagwörter
- Charge Transport, Charge Transfer, DNA, Molecular Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics
- Kategorien
- Naturwissenschaften Chemie
- Zusammenfassung 1
- Summary 3
- 1 Introduction 5
- 2 TheoreticalBackground 11
- 3 SimulationSetup 39
- 4 DNAUnderExperimentalConditions 49
- 5 ChargeTransport inStretchedDNA 69
- 6 ChargeTransport inMicrohydratedDNA 79
- 7 AParametrizedModel toSimulateCT inDNA 89
- 8 Conclusion 105
- Appendix 111
- A DNAUnderExperimentalConditions 111
- B CTinMicrohydratedDNA 117
- List ofPublications 137