Seite - 63 - in Charge Transport in DNA - Insights from Simulations
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4.5EffectsofDecreased IonContent
original amount ofwater, respectively)were stripped further of 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4
of the original number of sodium ions aswell as of all of them. MD simulations
were thenperformedwith no external force. The observed structural changes are
described in table4.6.
Table4.6: Appearance of the Dry1 complexes after MD with a decreased number of
sodium ions. B-like – long helical structure with a small diameter, A-like
– shorter helical structure with a large diameter, ladder – parallel linear
double-stranded structure.
3/4 ions 1/2 ions 1/4 ions 0 ions
A5 B-like B-like ladder separation
A9 B-like B-like ladder separation
A13 B-like B-like ladder separation
G5 A-like B-like ladder ladder
G9 A-like B-like ladder separation
G13 A-like B-like ladder separation
In the complexeswithmorewater (Dry1), thehelical double-stranded structureof
DNAwas preserved even upon the removal of half of the ions. Interestingly, the
helical structure of the studiedDNAspecies ismore stablewith a slightly smaller
number of ions thannecessary for neutralization. The transition to a ladder struc-
ture occurredonly after the removal of further 1/4of theoriginal numberof ions.
These structures resemble those reported in previous simulations of DNA with
similar charge state[122] closely. Even though the simulated systems were very
different otherwise (no water whatsoever, no counterions and phosphate groups
neutralizedpartially). Eventually, theDNAstrands separatedwhenall of the ions
were removed.
The structure ofmorepoorlyhydratedDNAoligomers (Dry2)wasmoreprone to
perturbations causedby the removal of ions, as the ladder structurewasobserved
already with 1/2 of the amount of ions necessary for neutralization. Neverthe-
less, the separationofDNAstrands tookplace only after the complete removal of
counterions. Another interesting effect is that the polyGoligomers passed to aB-
like conformationwhen1/2of the ionswere removed. Thismaybe interpreted in
termsof the significanceof counterions tomaintain theA-likeDNAconformation.
Charge Transport in DNA
Insights from Simulations
- Titel
- Charge Transport in DNA
- Untertitel
- Insights from Simulations
- Autor
- Mario Wolter
- Verlag
- KIT Scientific Publishing
- Datum
- 2013
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-SA 3.0
- 978-3-7315-0082-7
- Abmessungen
- 17.0 x 24.0 cm
- Seiten
- 156
- Schlagwörter
- Charge Transport, Charge Transfer, DNA, Molecular Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics
- Kategorien
- Naturwissenschaften Chemie
- Zusammenfassung 1
- Summary 3
- 1 Introduction 5
- 2 TheoreticalBackground 11
- 3 SimulationSetup 39
- 4 DNAUnderExperimentalConditions 49
- 5 ChargeTransport inStretchedDNA 69
- 6 ChargeTransport inMicrohydratedDNA 79
- 7 AParametrizedModel toSimulateCT inDNA 89
- 8 Conclusion 105
- Appendix 111
- A DNAUnderExperimentalConditions 111
- B CTinMicrohydratedDNA 117
- List ofPublications 137