Seite - 222 - in Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court - The Antique as Innovation, Band 1
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term ‘zumallen’—’to paint’ rather than ‘to draw’—this drawing certainly was
a detailed modello, probably executed in watercolours or gouache to indicate
the proposed colouring, and it was added to the file Pozzo was to carry with
him to the Emperor.
Through his long experience as Bausuperintendent, Schallautzer had ac-
quired considerable competence in architectural matters, but he did not pre-
tend to any specific expertise in the pictorial arts. At least two of the Italian
architects he employed at court had received their initial training in that field,
Pietro Ferrabosco and Jacopo Strada. Before Schallautzer sent Pozzo to the
Emperor, he decided to ask these two masters to critically examine the artist’s
proposals. After conferring together, the three instructed Pozzo to make some
changes in several of his sketches and to completely redraw some others. Only
after Pozzo had carried out these changes and an agreement concerning remu-
neration and expenses had been negotiated did Schallautzer sit down to draft
his covering letter to the Emperor.
Ferdinand appears to have been content with the result, since he imme-
diately wrote to the Innsbruck authorities to acquaint them with its details,
repeating much of the contents of Schallautzer’s letter. It indicated that
Ferdinand intended ‘weder in die gefierten noch gespitzten veldungen von
conterfehung wappen oder rosetten ze stellen, nit sonder von allerlai ander
vantaseien darein malen ze lassen’: i.e. instead of decorating the square and
pointed compartments of the ceiling with the habitual rosettes or coats of arms,
he wished to have them filled with various painted ‘fantasies’.67 Before the end
of the year Pozzo had begun painting these fantasies, which satisfied the Em-
peror sufficiently to extend further commissions to him, all in Innsbruck.68
Yet it appears that before Pozzo started painting, various further changes were
discussed, probably now in the presence of the Emperor himself, who had re-
turned to Vienna early in September. Chief among these was the reduction of
sufficiently detailed for Ferrabosco and Strada to comment on them individually, and to
suggest individual alterations and in some cases to have them completely redone, this is
far less likely.
67 Letter of 28 July 1559, tla, KS 801; excerpt printed in JdKS 11, 1890, ii, p. clxxxiii, Regest
68 In 1560 and 1561, Pozzo was commissioned to paint the various biblical scenes decorat-
ing the case, as well as the two large wings closing the splendid organ (1560) by Jorg
Ebert in the Hofkirche, the church built next to the Hofburg to house the sumptuous
mausoleum of Maximilian i; next, in 1561, he painted the decoration of the vaulting of
the cloister in the Neuen Stift, the Franciscan monastery annex to the Hofkirche, and fi-
nally, in the same year, an altarpiece for one of the principal altars in the same church
(Felmayer/Oettinger/Scheicher 1986, pp. 242–243 and 280–283; only the decoration of the
organ (illustrated ibid., Figs. 374–367) has been preserved.
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Buch Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court - The Antique as Innovation, Band 1"
Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
The Antique as Innovation, Band 1
- Titel
- Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
- Untertitel
- The Antique as Innovation
- Band
- 1
- Autor
- Dirk Jacob Jansen
- Verlag
- Brill
- Ort
- Leiden
- Datum
- 2019
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-90-04-35949-9
- Abmessungen
- 15.8 x 24.1 cm
- Seiten
- 572
- Kategorien
- Biographien
- Kunst und Kultur
- Preface XV
- Acknowledgements XVIII
- Acknowledgments of Financial Support Received XXI
- List of Abbreviations XXII
- Introduction: The Image—Or from Whom (Not?) to Buy a Second-Hand Car 1
- 0.1 The Portraits of Jacopo and Ottavio Strada 1
- 0.2 Why are These Portraits so Special? 4
- 0.3 Motions of the Mind 4
- 0.4 What is Known About Strada: Early Notices 9
- 0.5 Quellenkunde: Some Sources Published in the NineteenthCentury 15
- 0.6 Kulturgeschichte before World War II 19
- 0.7 Romance: Josef Svátek and the Rudolfine Legend 21
- 0.8 A (Very) Modest Place in the History of Classical Scholarship 24
- 0.9 Contemporary Scholarship 25
- 0.10 What Has Not Been Written on Jacopo Strada 37
- 0.11 Weaving the Strands Together: The Purpose of this Study 39
- 1 Early Years: Family Background, Education, Giulio Romano 45
- 2 Travel: Rome, Landshut, Nuremberg—Strada’s Connection withWenzel Jamnitzer 67
- 3 In Hans Jakob Fuggers’s Service 107
- 3.1 Hans Jakob Fugger 107
- 3.2 Fugger as a Patron and Collector 114
- 3.3 Fugger’s Employment of Strada 121
- 3.4 Architectural Patronage for the Fuggers: The DonauwörthStudiolo 134
- 3.5 Strada’s Trips to Lyon 137
- 3.6 Strada’s Contacts in Lyon: Sebastiano Serlio 149
- 3.7 Civis Romanus: Strada’s Sojourn in Rome 156
- 3.8 Commissions and Purchases: The Genesis of Strada’s Musaeum 174
- 3.9 Departure from Rome 183
- 4 Antiquario Della Sacra Cesarea Maesta: Strada’s Tasksat Court 188
- 4.1 Looking for Patronage: Strada’s Arrival at the ImperialCourt 188
- 4.2 The Controversy with Wolfgang Lazius 200
- 4.3 ‘Obwol Ir.Maj. den Strada selbst dier Zeit wol zu geprauchen’: Strada’s Tasks at Court 210
- 4.4 Indirect Sources Throwing Light on Strada’s Employment at Court 242
- 4.5 Conclusion 248
- 5 Jacopo Strada as an Imperial Architect: Background 251
- 5.1 Introduction: The Austrian Habsburgs as Patrons of Architecture 251
- 5.2 The Prince as Architect: Ferdinand I and Maximilian II asAmateurs and Patrons of Architecture 255
- 5.3 ‘Adeste Musae’: Maximilian’s Hunting Lodge and Garden in the Prater 290
- 5.4 The Imperial Residence: Status quo at Strada’s Arrival 307
- 5.5 The Architectural Infrastructure at the Imperial Court 319
- 5.6 Strada’s Competence as an Architect 331
- 6 Strada’s Role in Projects Initiated by Emperor Ferdinand I 339
- 7 An Object Lesson: Strada’s House in Vienna 367
- 8 The Munich Antiquarium 383
- 9 The Neugebäude 430
- 9.1 The Tomb of Ferdinand I and Anna in Prague; Licinio’s Paintings in Pressburg 431
- 9.2 Kaiserebersdorf and Katterburg 432
- 9.3 Sobriety versus Conspicuous Consumption 437
- 9.4 Hans Jakob Fugger’s Letter 438
- 9.5 Description of the Complex 441
- 9.6 The Personal Involvement of Emperor Maximilian II 455
- 9.7 Ottoman Influence? 463
- 9.8 Classical Sources: Roman Castrametatio and the Fortified Palace of Diocletian at Split 467
- 9.9 Classical Sources: Monuments of Ancient Rome 480
- 9.10 Contemporary Italian Architecture 489
- 9.11 Strada’s Contribution 500
- 9.12 Conclusion: Strada’s Role in the Design of the Neugebäude 507
- 10 Other Patrons of Architecture 514
- 10.1 The Courtyard of the Landhaus in Graz 514
- 10.2 The Residence for Archduke Ernest 517
- 10.3 Other Patrons: Vilém z Rožmberk 520
- 10.4 Jan Šembera Černohorský z Boskovic and BučoviceCastle 524
- 10.5 Christoph von Teuffenbach: The House in Vienna and the Castle at Drnholec 530
- 10.6 Reichard Strein von Schwarzenau and the Castle at Schwarzenau 534
- 10.7 Conclusion 542