Seite - 1600 - in Enzyklopädie der slowenischen Kulturgeschichte in Kärnten/Koroška - Von den Anfängen bis 1942, Band 3 : PO - Ž
Bild der Seite - 1600 -
Text der Seite - 1600 -
Encyclopedia of the Slovenian Cultural
History in Carinthia, From Early Times to
The »Encyclopedia of the Slovenian Cultural History
in Carinthia, From Early Times to 1942« is designed
as a scientific reference work of cultural studies and
comprises more than 1.000 entries and, including the
conceptual cross references more than 2.200 entries
of more than 160 authors from Austria, Slovenia, Italy,
Germany, France, Russia and the USA.
The aim of its editors is to give in a transcultural
and interdisciplinary scientific perspective a synopti-
cal presentation of the corresponding up to date avail-
able though scattered findings to a European public
in German. Specific perspectives and focuses as an
echo respectively as a reaction to the general societal
and scientific discourse provide new, relevant scientific
findings. The encyclopaedic, i. e. structured form gives
on one hand an easy access to single research findings
and reveal in addition through a synoptical reading of
different entries additional meta-levels and further di-
mension of knowledge.
Of highest importance are the genuine scientific
research results that result of the interdisciplinary sci-
entific dialogue amongst the editors and the external
authors of entries. The results are related to interdis-
ciplinary and transcultural dimensions of humanities,
social and legal sciences. New aspects can be found in
areas such as early medieval language history and more
recent legal and constitutional history, as well as related
to regional and cultural history, cultural geography and
sociolinguistics, ethno-sociology, ethnography, topon-
ymy, dialectology, Slavic studies and music history. New
findings regarding the function, role and importance
of folk culture and folk art are equally relevant für the
understanding of the culture of the language in public
and private spaces as well as for minority research in
general and the interethnic interrelations in the region.
The prosopographic research on culturally and/or polit-
ically active, well as well as less known personalities that
are often made from a new angle allow a new under-
standing on the political and societal processes. Meth-
odological innovations in the respective research areas
led to relevant contributions to the terminological and
conceptual codification in German as well as in Slove-
nian of the scientific language in relation to Carinthia.
The Encyclopedia draws a wide bow from a concep-
tual tracking of traces in view of future research areas, to the presentation of a large classical and intercultural
canon of Slovenian cultural history up to a synthetic
presentation of innovative field research and study of
sources as well as fundamental research in the area of
In addition, the Encyclopedia places at disposal a
broad scientific apparatus with information on archives,
sources as well as relevant selected literature for further
reading. This facilitates and/or encourages continuing
in deep scientific research. Modern QR-Codes allow a
multi-media use of the Encyclopedia and make acces-
sible additional dimensions of knowledge.
The »Encyclopedia of the Slovenian Cultural His-
tory in Carinthia, From Early Times to 1942« is a
contribution to the regional interethnic understand-
ing, to the interdisciplinary and transcultural scientific
discourse within Austria respectively between Austria,
Slovenia, and Italy. Due to its transcultural dimension,
the »Encyclopedia« is also a contribution to the un-
derstanding interethnic relations within other minor-
ities in the European Union and elsewhere. As such
the »Encyclopedia« can be considered as a contribu-
tion to the sustainable development and integration,
as a contribution to a positive societal dynamic and to
the long term economic implications that are related
to this.
Enciklopedija slovenske kulturne zgodovine
na Koroškem, od začetkov do leta 1942
Znanstveni priročnik »Enciklopedija slovenske kul-
turne zgodovine na Koroškem, od začetkov do leta
1942« vsebuje nad 1000 gesel, skupaj s konceptualnimi
prečnimi kazalkami skupno nad 2.200 vnosov. Avtorji
in avtorice gesel – skupno nad 160 oseb – so znanstve-
niki in znanstvenice iz Avstrije, Francije, Italije, Nem-
čije, Rusije, Slovenije in Združenih držav Amerike.
Izdajatelja sta si prizadevala, da bi s transkulturnega
in z interdisciplinarnega vidika iz dostopnih virov in
materialov podala sinoptični prikaz današnjega stanja
znanstvenih dognanj. Da bi bila dostopna čim širši
publiki, je enciklopedija napisana v nemškem jeziku.
Specifične perspektive in postavitev raznih težišč kot
odziv oziroma reakcija na splošni družbenopolitični in
znanstveni diskurz so pripeljali do novih in relevantnih
spoznanj. Enciklopedično strukturirana oblika naj bi po
eni strani olajšala dostop do razpoložljivih znanstvenih
izsledkov, hkrati pa naj bi s povezovanjem različnih ge-
Enzyklopädie der slowenischen Kulturgeschichte in Kärnten/Koroška
Von den Anfängen bis 1942, Band 3 : PO - Ž
Entnommen aus der FWF-E-Book-Library
- Titel
- Enzyklopädie der slowenischen Kulturgeschichte in Kärnten/Koroška
- Untertitel
- Von den Anfängen bis 1942
- Band
- 3 : PO - Ž
- Autoren
- Katja Sturm-Schnabl
- Bojan-Ilija Schnabl
- Verlag
- Böhlau Verlag
- Ort
- Wien
- Datum
- 2016
- Sprache
- deutsch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC 3.0
- 978-3-205-79673-2
- Abmessungen
- 24.0 x 28.0 cm
- Seiten
- 566
- Kategorien
- Geographie, Land und Leute
- Kunst und Kultur
- Lemmata Band 3 Po–Ž 1049
- Verzeichnis aller AutorInnen/BeiträgerInnen und ihrer jeweiligen Lemmata 1571
- Verzeichnis aller ÜbersetzerInnen und die von ihnen übersetzten Lemmata 1577
- Verzeichnis der BeiträgerInnen von Bildmaterial 1579
- Verzeichnis der Abbildungen 1580
- Synopsis (deutsch/English/slovensko) 1599
- Biographien der Herausgeber 1602