Jesuitische Erziehungs- und Unterrichtsorganisation#
Jesuit School and Educational Organisation: From the opening of a first school in Vienna in 1553 until the abolishment of the Jesuit order in 1773 a determining influence on the Austrian school system, demonstrated many modern characteristics (no tuition fees, examinations, set curriculum, ´pilot´ curricula, hygiene, schools built according to safety and teaching criteria, teacher training, equal treatment, etc.). As a rule, each Jesuit college offered a 6-year secondary education (studia inferiora) which focused on the oral and written mastery of Latin and also taught some Greek, as well as a few sciences and modern languages. In Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, and Feldkirch, a limited number of lectures at university level were also held: studia superiora (a full course of studies was 3 years and included: logic; physics, mathematics, astronomy, geography, meteorology; metaphysics, ethics, psychology). In Vienna and Graz, in addition to these philosophic studies, the study of theology was also offered. The Jesuit monopoly at first brought great progress to the educational system, which, however, became quite rigid in the 18th century due to a lack of adaptation to changing social needs. As a result, the state had to take over educational policy.