Crimean War, 1853-1856, fought between Russia and an alliance of Turkey, France, England, and Sardinia (from 1855). Austria remained officially neutral, but forced the Russians to withdraw from the Balkans by stationing an army at the Russian border, occupied Romania (the so-called "Donaufuerstentuemer" or "Danube principalities") in September of 1854, and mediated in the negotiation of the Treaty of Paris peace settlement of March 30, 1856, which required considerable concessions on Russia's part. Domestically, Emperor Franz Joseph's stance in the Crimean War severely undermined his policy of Neo-absolutism, in foreign affairs it led to isolation which facilitated the second Sardinian War and created a basis of enmity between Austria and Russia, which in turn contributed to the outbreak of the First World War.
B. Unckel, Oesterreich und der Krimkrieg, 1969.