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unbekannter Gast

Leopoldstädter Theater#

Leopoldstaedter Theater, traditional suburban theatre in the 2nd district of Vienna, opened in 1781 by its first director K. Marinelli. Repertoire: local farces and fairy-tale extravaganzas, tales of robbers and soldiers, parodies and singspiel. Most important actors: J. J. La Roche, A. Hasenhut, I. Schuster, F. Raimund (from 1821 also director, 1828-1830 manager of Leopoldstaedter Theater), J. Nestroy, W. Scholz, the comedy trio K. Blasel, J. Matrasand W. Knaackand T. Krones. Most successful dramatists: K. Hensler (after death of K. Marinelli, director of Leopoldstaedter Theater until 1816), J. Perinet, F. Gewey, F. Kringsteiner, J. Gleich, K. Meisl, F. Raimund, J. Nestroy, F. Kaiser. Resident composer: W. Mueller. After financial crisis in the 1830s, the Leopoldstaedter Theater was sold to C. Carl in 1838, who was also director of Theater an der Wien and ran both houses until 1845; the old theatre was pulled down in 1847, rebuilt according to plans by the architects E. van der Nuell and A. Sicard v. Sicardsburg and reopened under the name of Carltheater.


H. Grund, Das Leopoldstaedter "Kasperltheater" 1781 until 1803, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1921; F. Hadamowsky, Das Theater in der Leopoldstadt from 1781 until 1860, 1934; L. Tatzer, Das alte Leopoldstaedter Theater (1781-1847), in: Wiener Schriften 24, 1966.