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unbekannter Gast


Pozuzo, Peru, Departamento Pasco, district of Pozuzo, alt. 750 m, pop. about 700 (in 1988), district capital on Rio Huancabamba at the eastern fringe of the highlands in north-western Peru. Founded in 1859 by 150 Tyroleans (and Rhinelanders), who had emigrated from the Upper Inn Valley in 1857. - School, power station (built with Austrian assistance). The present Austrian and German population in the district amounts to about 1,200-2,000 persons. As it has been accessible by road since 1975, many people have moved there from all parts of Peru and the German population has become a minority. Main income: agriculture (maize, fruit, coffee, tobacco, animal husbandry); earlier also coca growing. "Freundeskreis fuer Pozuzo" ("Friends of Pozuzo", founded in 1983) domiciled in Silz (Tyrol).


W. Schabus, Pozuzo. Varietaetenausgleich und Sprachkontakt in einer deutschen Sprachinsel in Peru, 1990; idem, Beobachtungen zu Sprachkontakt, Varietaetenausgleich, Sprachloyalitaet und Sprachwechsel in Pozuzo (Peru) und bei den "Landlern" in Siebenbuergen, 1994; G. Steinboeck, Weltweit Freunde, 1992.