Vils, Tirol, town in the district of Reutte, alt. 826 m, pop.1,396, area 30.75 km2, on the River Vils, north of the Ausserfern mountains, near the border to Bavaria. - Customs office and customs post at Schoenbichl; cement works, metalworking, tourism. - Raised to town status in 1327, home to the Rief violin-making family in the 18th and 19th centuries, Baroque town parish church (1709-1723), high altar with statues by A. Sturm (around 1720); Romanesque and Gothic St. Anna church with Gothic statue (around 1460); ruins of Vilsegg castle (13th century, castle keep collapsed in 1930); houses with façade paintings.
O. Stolz (revision), Geschichte der Stadt Vils in Tirol zur Feier ihres 600jaehrigen Bestandes, 1927; R. Fischer, Vils. Die Wirt.- und Sozialstruktur einer Kleinstadt, 1970.